The gospel of Jesus Christ day 3 make restitution.

Make restitution. You do all you can to correct the problems your actions may have caused. Keep the commandments. Obeying God’s commandments brings the power of the gospel into your life. The gospel will give you strength to abandon your sins. Keeping the commandments includes giving service, forgiving others, and attending church meetings. Acknowledge the Savior. The most important part of repentance is the realization that forgiveness comes because of Jesus Christ. Sometimes you may have fslt that God will not forgive serious sins. But the Saviour suffered for our sins so they can be put behind us, even the serious ones. The result of true repentance is for giveness, peace, comfort, and joy. Repentance does not always mean making big changes. Often it simply requires an increased commitment to live according to God’s will. True repentance does not always happen quickly; be patient with yourself as you strive to do what is right and correct mistakes you make. As you repent, you will experience a change of heart. You will no longer desire to sin. You will come to know that you are a child of God and that you need not continue making the same mistakes over and over. Your desire to follow God will grow stronger and deeper……. We all make mistakes. Sometimes we harm ourselves and seriously injure others in ways that we alone cannot repair. We break things that we alone cannot fix. Then we feel guilt, humiliation, and suffering, which we alone cannot cure. The healing power of the Atonement can remedy what we cannot repair… In Jesus Name Amen…. If you feel giving yourself to Jesus or pray together you can just call this number..0765807608 or email at I will send you a prayer request God bless you

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